Sellers guide


Welcome to Croperce's marketplace.

Have you ever thought about using a reputable online market to sell a small and huge selection of your high-quality, fresh products to hundreds of customers? Being a vendor on Croperce helps us provide our consumers with a wide range, better prices, better produce options, and a top-notch shopping experience. Croperce makes it as easy as possible to sell and get paid.

  • Access to a network of customers and resources

  • Real-time data for smarter production planning

  • Increased Business Profitability

Before you start selling

How to register

Selling is a breeze with Croperce. All you have to do is enter your store name and create an account for your store. Your account must be approved by the administrator within 24 hours of account creation in order to start building your store and selling your products on Croperce.

What you’ll need to get started

To get started selling on Croperce

  • Functional Email address and phone Number
  • Store name and address
  • Bank Account number and Bank routing number

Seller Central

Once your Croperce seller account has been approved, you can build your store, manage your selling account, upload product information, change product information, make inventory modifications, handle payments, and check daily sales for all the products you sell on Croperce using the Seller central.

Products Listing

What you need for listing

To sell on Croperce merchants must first create a product listing.This is where you would be able to list the products that you have available for sale. The product listing shows details about your product—the title, price, images, description and so on. Once you successfully list your product, it will become available to both B2C and B2B customers. This enables you to extend the reach of your offers from a single account and without any additional fees.

A quick snapshot of what you need to fill out to start listing products:

Collection Panel: The collection panel is on the right hand side. Merchants are required to pick from our list of collections. By filling out the collection panel this ensures that your product are properly listed in one of our Main product categories on the website

Product type: A Product Type is the collection of attributes which act as a template for products of the same type or kind.

  • Product name
  • Image and Description
  • Price

Successful Listing = Successful Launch

Following best practices for adding listings can have a big impact on their success. Make it easy for shoppers to find your offers by adding descriptive titles, clear images, and concise feature bullets to your items. Avoid these things that could negatively impact your launch:

  • Variation issues

    Products that vary only by color, scent, or size might be a good candidate for listing as variations. Ask yourself if the customer would expect to find the products together on the same page. If not, list them separately.

  • Image compliance

    Your images must be at least 500 x 500 pixels (increase the size to 1,000 x 1,000 for high-quality listings) and set against a plain white background. The product should fill at least 80% of the image area.

  • Product IDs

    Make sure you’re meeting the requirements for product UPCs and GTINs (Global Trade Item Number). Consistency in these codes helps promote confidence in the range of products shown in the Amazon catalog.

Delivering Your product to Croperce Store Point

Croperce sellers have two options for getting their products to customers: after customers place their orders, merchants can choose to either deliver the products to the Croperce store point for free or have the Croperce team pick it up at the merchants store location. It is important to note that the Croperce team handles all the delivery of

The method chosen by merchants can be decided on a case to case situation. This allows merchants to pick a delivery method (Deliver to Croperce Store or Pickup by Croperce) that is right for them at the time of the product being ordered.


Croperce is built with the best interest of the merchants that is why our cost strategies reflect this decision. The cost of selling depends on your commission fees, fulfillment strategy, and other variables. The options are flexible, so you can find the combo that works best for you and your goals.

Commission fees

For every item sold, sellers pay Croperce a percentage of the total price sold. Our standard commission fee is 10%

Fulfillment fees

The cost to ship your orders depends on whether you fulfill your own orders by dropping off the items at the Croperce store, which is free or wanting a Croperce team to pick up the item for you.

Other costs

Some sellers may incur additional fees (such as long-term storage fees) or pay for optional programs like advertising.

After The Sale

Managing Your Croperce

Your first sale has been made. What’s next?

Performance Metrics

Croperce sellers operate at a high standard so we can provide a seamless, delightful shopping experience. In order to do this we provide sellers with data to give them a snapshot of how their store and products are doing. These data can be found on the dashboard section of the seller page. We provide key metrics such as:

  • Store statistics: you can find data on products that are currently activated on your marketplace
  • Store earnings: you can find overall earnings amount of your marketplace store and overall commission of admin on your earning
  • Sold products: here you can find your top sold products

This enables you as a seller to keep tabs on your performance and make sure you’re meeting your targets in Seller Central.

Getting paid

Sellers get paid on the 15th and the last work week of every month. It is important that sellers have updated banking information on their account as we do a direct deposit to the sellers account.

Customer reviews

Customer product reviews are an integral part of the shopping experience on Croperce, and they benefit both customers and sellers. Make sure you’re familiar with the right way and wrong way to get more product reviews and avoid policy violations.